The Nortown Motorcycle Club is a small but eclectic group of motorcycle
enthusiasts in Toronto, Canada. Our membership includes riders of most
manufactures, and most of the bike types, and all ages of bike and rider.
We take pride in being a friendly group: we like each other. We often attend
events put on by other motorcycle clubs, anywhere in Southern Ontario,
and beyond.
We meet in Etobicoke on the last Tuesday of every month, year-round. We
meet at McBride Cycle club room. In summer, we meet outdoors,
and share a BBQ with the meeting. During the riding season, on the third
Sundays, we like to meet at Wally's greasy spoon for a greasy breakfast,
then go on an easy run anywhere.
To contact the Club send e-mail to:
Betty Ann at bclark@baycrest.org
This Web Site is maintained by:
Bert Foote