Heres mah new pic=)

I lost all mah old counts cause mah counter didnt work no more. i should have gone with da one geocities i gotta start over... hehe

Best Viewed with 800 x 600 Resolution.

Hiya mah name's Amy and i want to say hi to mah frend StEvE n mah BF Duong.=] I Lubs racing, fishing, going to da movies and kicking it at cafes.=] I lubs mah car=). Drop meeh a email if you wanna chat.=] k, Im outties.. :o)

I wanna give a shoutout to S.U.P.E.R. (SeiYa and UsaGi PoWeR oF EterNaL ResPecT) to which im a member of. Ok finally another so slow...hehe =).

Amyangel's Sailormoon Page Last Update: 05/29/1999

AlL MaH LuV OuT 2 Da PrELuDe LuVeRs'. HoNdA'S #1!! CheCk OuT MaH PrELuDe paGe WhEn iTS DoNe.=) StILL UnDeR ConSRuCtIoN. IvE BeEn ReAL BuSy WiTh MAh SaiLoRmoON PaGE.SoRRie=)

AmYanGeL's PreLuDe PaGe LasT UpDaTe: 06/04/1998

please sign mah guesT book=) Thankz