Welcome to Infinity , your site for Cars, Trucks, Car Audio, and pretty much anything else you could ever want in a web page. There are links to other sites, picture pages pertaining to specific types of Cars, Trucks, and other itmes of interest and links to some of the most helpful sites (in my opinion) on the internet. Please feel free to look around and form your own opinion. If you like the site tell others, if not tell me. Our goal here at Infinity is provide something for everyone, because Infinity means no limits.
is a page dedicated to custom trucks, not just minitrucks, links to some of my favorite truck sites, helpful information that I find useful in all aspects of trucks. Due to limited storage space I will rotate pictures weekly. If you have a picture you would like to see on the web e-mail it to me at charles_fisher@hotmail.com. I will try to publish all pictures I recieve it may just take a while.
is a page dedicated to custom cars of all types, links to custom car sites, and pictues of some custom cars I have seen throughout my travels. If you have a custom car you would like to see on the web please e-mail it to me at charles_fisher@hotmail.com. Enjoy the Page.
is a page dedicated to the art of music. Here I will include links to car audio sites, Links to the big manufacter's web sites, and pictures of some slamming systems I have come accrossed.
As the site is always changeing I would like to advise you that the site is under construction and to check back frequently. Thank you for visiting and please feel free to send me comments via e-mail at charles_fisher@hotmail.com
This site has had visitors since September 12, 1997