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This site is part of the BIG internet easter egg hunt!! Find the correct egg to continue on to the next site! Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Did I say Cartune? Or, did I say Cartoon? Oh well, any way you look at it,everyone
involved in this hobby has to be a little looney! The amount of hours spent
on each one of these cars are unbeliveable. In fact, the wives often refer to the
cars as the "Other Woman", "The Girlfriend", and some other unmentionables.
The dollar amount, in most cases, is a bit outrageous. For example, gasoline can cost
up to $5.00 per gallon. And, of course, these cars DO NOT get very good mileage!
All of this just to get a $60 jacket and a $20 trophy at the end
of the season. (Thats IF you are LUCKY!!!) NOW THAT'S LOONEY!!!
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