The following events fill this years calendar.
The new site is available at Http://
The Rawcliffe Hall Standard Vanguards are having another party weekend and invite all other Standard-Triumph owners to come along and enjoy the weekend. The weekend is to include a short road run, barbecue, etc.
Send Now For Details - see address and e-mail address below
Following the huge success of our 1997 AUTUMN LEAVES CLASSIC CAR CRUISE, which attracted European entry, and covered some of the finest country roads, visiting the hidden hamlets of North West England - we have decided to make it doubly enjoyable in 1998, by extending it over 2 days, with an overnight halt where we will include a free buffet/ dance evening, at which the first days experience can be talked over with fellow enthusiasts. The 1998 event will cover Three Counties, including Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria(Lake District).
Promotions Unlimited have 'rested' all their other events, so as to concentrate on just the Autumn Leaves, so that we can find you the most scenic and enjoyable classic car experience ever.
Interested possible entrants from Europe should contact us immediately, in order that we can send them full details of just what our Northern hospitality can offer.
Only 250 cars maximum will be accepted, so early entry is advisable.
For full details or entry forms for any of the above, hurry now!!!
Send S.A.E. to PROMOTIONS UNLIMITED, 2 White Lea, Cabus, Preston, Lancs, PR3 1JG, U.K.
or for smaller details
Mail Here
Please check back later for information on future events.
Last updated on 7th November 1997
You are visitor number since 9th May 1997
All events carry an entry fee to cover administration and memorabilia