Mr. MiniTrail's Homepage

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What is a MiniTrail?



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Last Updated:
March 6, 2000

 MiniTrail Plaque

Hello fellow MiniTrailers!
Welcome to Mr. MiniTrail's Restoration Homepage.
Click on the "
What is a MiniTrail" link to find out about us and what we can do for you!

Mark with his first Minitrail

A Closer Look

"Mr. MiniTrail" in 1976. This is the bike that started it all!

In the meantime, please e-mail Mr. MiniTrail at
with stories or questions about your favorite MiniTrail experience.

Thanks, and come back soon!

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Mr. MiniTrail's Homepage or webpages are in no way associated with
The Honda Motor Company©

This site was creadted in collaberation with
G.M.D. Productions
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