Welcome to my website
I have a passion for fast cars
when I first built this website I was pretty biast
Chevy musclecars were the only way to go
that is kinda stupid of me horsepower
speaks alot of languages
American, Japanese, German to name
a few. Its really up to you to make the most of it
I have been driving more dodges than Chevys
This is my Nova About 2001
It has since been primered partially painted
and has switched engines about 4 times
since this picture was taken
As of right now it is not running,
i took it to the dragstrip and blew the
fuel pump internally causing me to have to
rebuild again, now it will be faster.

Cars I currently own:
'74 Chevy Nova
'87 Shelby Daytona (Dodge)
'93 Honda Civic
'77 Plymouth Volare
This site kept and maintained by: speedfreek09
Last Updated:  1/05/08
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