TEAM 701
One race season, plus one on-board video recorder.  What could possibly go wrong????

Basically, I'm recording a full racing season, comprised of:
- on-board clips
- races from the side-lines
- clips from the pits
- friends & going out
- plus AMA races etc

At the end of the season, I'll edit all the best bits and burn some DVD's for friends, and anyone else intrested.

What I need are suggestions for material AND suggestions for background music, especially for the on-board stuff.  Send suggestions, or even .mpg's to my email address.

Thanks, Mark
My Favorite Links:
My Info:
Mark #701 Brereton
Look at these on-board videos - you may have to open with QUICKTIME:
Onboard at Nashville - Front
Onboard at Nashville - Head
Onboard at Nashville - Throttle
Onboard at Nashville - Underneath
Onboard at TGPR - Knee
Onboard at TGPR - Rear