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The Loss of Freedom & Liberty Starts Today

Don't Just let the Loony Left have their way.....RESIST! REFUSE!

Do you think I am kidding or exaggerating? While most of the voting public has been acting
as though they are in the Heaven's Gate Cult ready to ride the Hale-Bopp Comet to Heaven,
I am grounded in reality. I have seen, read and heard the newly elected liberals' plans for
the new congress and administration. But not one issue was questioned by the biased legacy 
media. But then, they share the dreams of a socialist agenda. One thing that always fails 
the test of any kind of socialism is the human condition of freedom. Socialism only works 
when liberty and freedom is taken out of the equation. Here is a short list:

1). Eviscerating the 2nd Amendment: Instead of making a law that says gun ownership is now
against the law (which violates The Constitution), they simply ban guns by type. Of course
it starts out with scary looking guns, but never goes far enough, so then they go after
handguns. But that didn't do enough to curb crime (because criminals don't pay attention to
the law), so now we need all center-fire rifles (sniper weapons) and shotguns (street 
sweepers). Next comes lowly .22's and finally BB and pellet guns. While they bankrupt the
gun manufacturers, they will also either outlaw, or ultra-tax ammunition out of the hands
of the law abiding public. No more choice about gun ownership, personal protection, hunting,
or any shooting sports. It will become a total police state if we let any of this happen.
Don't fall victim to their crime prevention or safety rhetoric, it is all part of the evil
plans to make us a totally submissive society, unable to turn back the grip of tyranny.
I urge all gun owners.....DO NOT PARTICIPATE! This means NO registration, NO "gun buy-backs"
(a misnomer, since they never owned them in the first place), and NO standing in line like 
sheep turning them in to authorities like they did in England. Make them come and take them,
if they have the courage. Hopefully, it won't come to that, and with a total lack of parti-
cipation, maybe they will re-think the whole scheme.

2). National Healthcare: Forget about picking your own doctor, hospital, or specialist. 
Forget about getting an appointment when it's convenient to you. Forget about getting the
test or procedure you need in a timely fashion. Forget about elective surgery. Forget about 
paying premiums to a plan you chose that takes care of you and your family. It will be paid 
for in huge tax increases, and run by bureaucrats, who have been shown to be totally 
incompetent (see Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, SEC, FDA, Education, etc, etc, etc.)

3). The Nationalization of Industry (the bailout): Under the guise of "we must do something
and quickly!" businesses are selling their souls to the devil for a bailout. I say let those
failing companies fail! Let capitalism and free markets fix our economic problems. The same
goes for the housing bust. Are you in foreclosure because you bought a house you could never
afford under the best circumstances? Give the keys to the bank, and move into an apartment.

4). Seperation of Church & State: This is atheism and secularism run amuck. I don't consider
myself a very religious man per se, but I do believe in God. I also believe in the text and
intent of the 1st Amendment. So now that militant homosexuals are trying to force gay marriage
on the nation one state at a time, they will be pushing their agenda into churches that refuse
to perform ceremonies based on religious conviction. We can't have The Ten Commandments in a 
court house, but we can have a small minority say what goes on in a house of worship, backed
up by the government.

5). Abortion: `nuff said on this subject, except for B. Hussein O(S)bama's support of partial
birth abortion, and the killing of infants that may survive the initial murder attempt. After
all, the intent of the woman was to kill her fetus, and we wouldn't want to go against those

6). Oil: In an unholy alliance between congress and extreme greenies, oil and all products made 
from it are now very bad. What happened to our economy when gas hit $4.39 per gallon? We are 
stil feeling the affects, just ask the nation's retailers how Christmas was. Now that it's down
to less than $2.00 per gallon, the loonies in congress are contemplating raising gas taxes to 
bring it back to around $3.50 per gallon to punish us for not buying the cars no one wants, and to
get the government coffers filled back up again. Lower and middle class be damned. BRILLIANT! 

7). Fairness: Two things here, the "Fairness Doctrine" (also known as the Hush Rush Law) and
the idea of confiscating your personal retirement account. First, since no one wants to listen
to liberals on whiny talk radio programs, and conservatives are so successful and speak truth,
the government must step in to "even" the playing field. It also isn't fair that some people
have 401K's (now known as 200.5K's) and some don't. Therefore, the idea is to "confiscate" the
accounts and roll them into social security. One of the founding principals of liberalism;
equality, means everyone is equally miserable, and that there is no opportunity in such an
unfair capitalist system. 

This is just a short list. I didn't even touch the subject of national defense, national 
security, intelligence, diplomacy and the state department, the UN, and a host of other very
important subjects.

We must hold our elected officials feet to the fire. They must follow The Constitution and
enumerated powers. You'd think this would be a no-brainer, since they did swear an oath.

Reagan certainly understood this, when he said in his first Inaugural Address "In this 
present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."


This page will stay up until B. Hussein O(S)bama is out of office!

Anxiously awaiting 1-20-2013

Last updated 20 January 2009 at 05:15:11 E.S.T.

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