My own XR page

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Roberto Chaos and I live in Barcelona (Spain), I'm 22 years old and I'm a Telecommunications student. My father persuaded me to buy a motorcycle when I was 12, and I accepted (of course!), introducing me then in the marvellous world of the motorbikes. We bought a Derbi FDS, a small enduro motorbike (50 c.c.), and with it I spend the best holidays of my life. In 1994 I tried to persuade my father to change the old and small FDS, and buy a bigger one. After a couple of days thinking in all the consequences my father accepted and asked me which motorbike I wanted (always with a limit).

Now I'm the owner of a fantastic Honda XR 600 R, and I want to share with you some of the experiences I' ve had with her.