Welcome To Amber's Deep Sea Homepage
Dive In And Stay Awhile!
My Name is Amber.  I'm 23 years old and am Currently Not In My Homestate of California. Quick description: I'm 5'8" & 155lbs, I have Brown hair, Brown eyes, and my nationality is Native American and Spanish. I'm a U.S. Navy Meteorologist.  I like being in the Navy, but like any other job it has its ups and downs.  My goal in life is to be multi-lingual, have a home in SoCal, and work with marine mammals.  I am one-of-a-kind, and proud to be who I am. This Website Is Always Under Construction, But Feel Free To Look Around.
Key Notes: Please I Ask That You NOT Take My Pictures. They Belong To Me And I Do Not Wish For My Pictures To Be Copied/Taken From My Site. Also, for those who ask why I have labelled over my pics the way I did, they're many rude people out there, who only want to see my "attributes". I am proud of the way I look, I am just trying to cut down on the rude comments. Thank You.
Here is my Amazingly Wonderful mom, and her "baby girl"- me. She's the absolute best! Hard working, honest, fun loving, warm hearted, funny, and truly my #1 Hero! More pics of my family will be posted when I get the time.
Going Out Celebrate the Big 23! Happy Birthday To Me! The day was wonderful and the night was a blast. Lots of Fun at Red Lobster!
Talk about a Birthday Dinner! Appetizer of  Parrot bay Coconut Shrimp, Entree of King Crab Legs, and a Lobsterita to boot!
The waitress was so cool she even brought me a complimentry ice cream sundae. If anybody has extra beads laying around the house send them my way! I have got a monster collection going! :)
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Iguanas Ranas Tijuana