Welcome to the Wright Place

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Essential information on various subjects

Automotive:ASE certified Master Mechanic and Master Engine machinist. Expert Witness-Powertrain specialist.

Motorcycle: Kawasaki Triples club member.

Swimming: Michigan Masters Swimming member, 2002 Lynn Award, 2002 Chetrick Award.

Triathlon: Ford Athletic Swim and Triathlon Club member, 1998 Member of the Year Award, 2001 Swimmer of the Year Award.

Some of the topics that will be posted here:

Automotive: High Performance "How To" and parts section -

Below are links to various adventures, projects, files and pictures

Tips And Advice


Durango Deuce 327 project

Magazine articles:
Car and Driver Article: "The Burrito Cannonball" (May 2003)
Car and Driver Article: "Fear And Losing near Las Vegas" (December 2003)
Car and Driver Article: "Battle of the Diesel Beaters" (April 2006)

� 1997-2006 Paul C. Wright

Last update: 04/19/2006

Email: pcwright77 AT YAHOO DOT com

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