Hi and welcome to my homepage. My name is Shawn and I am a second generation Texan and a race car enthusiast. I live in Corpus Christi with my girlfriend, Margaret aka Bear.
Besides loving bracket racing, I have another interest that I'm sure a lot of other people share.....cockatiel's. We have two and their names are Birdie and Lola. We found Lola after a hurricane hit nearby and she was a pretty sick bird. We have had her now a couple of years and she's fully recovered and doing well. Birdie (I know, I know but that's his name) is a corker. He has a pretty large vocabulary and can whistle the theme song from the old Andy Griffith television show. We treat them like children but when you live in an apartment, they are nice pets to have. I just recently developed an interest in Beta fish and just recently bought one.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice visit to my site and bookmark it so you can return for updates as time allows. Don't forget to sign my guestbook and visit my link about South Texas Bracket Racing.