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Updated 4-28-2000

"I Breathe, Therefore I Bark"

      Buddy is a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie).  He was born on September 27, 1999 in Newport, North Carolina.  We adopted him and brought him to our home in Jacksonville, North Carolina on November 24,1999.  Buddy has four brothers and a sister. 

Buddy is the second Sheltie we have been privileged to own.  Our first, "Frisco", was a Pet Shop puppy we adopted while living in California.  Although Frisco was undoubtedly a puppy mill product, he was a great companion and perfect for our family.  He brought tremendous joy into our lives for nearly eight years until his untimely passing November 2, 1999.  Our experience  with him was so positive we knew we just had to have another Sheltie...SOON. 

 The picture at left was taken the day we brought Buddy home.  He is eight weeks old at this point. 

Buddy's Scrapbook

Another picture taken the day we brought him home.  In case you were wondering, his left legs aren't shorter than than the others.


Nine weeks old.  His ears are laying nearly perfectly.  The Sheltie breed standard calls for the top third or so of the ears to tip forward.  At this stage, his ears are well behaved.

Like Frisco, Buddy just loves yardwork.  His ability to herd rakes, lawnmowers and weedeaters is already legendary in the neighborhood.
Ten weeks old.  What happened to those great ears?  As you can see, his ears are beginning to reach for the sky.  Within a week of this pic, they are prick, standing straight up.

Buddy's first Christmas.  He's nearly thirteen weeks old.  Believe it or not, he's about 99 percent housetrained at this point.  He had one more accident after Christmas, but that's all.


New Year's Day 2000.  Just under 14 weeks.


Visitors Since 4-28-2000

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                                          Mar 1992-Nov 1999

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