Hey pplz, waz up! it's bout time i updated this stupid page.. i know there's not much to it. but just wanna use it ta give a few shout outz!! *Sexy Steph* - aka Stephanie Hey baby!, notice you are on the TOP of my list here ?! ;) *thinkin bout ya every waken moment* !!Luv always !!!!!!!!!!!! 3-chink master - aka Kalvin - So ya wanna be a Kawie Pilot eh!, hopefully nortel will go sky rocket and get its ass back to 120 eh ! Anthoneil - aka Neil - Yo..When's the F4i coming ?! My R6 is getting lonely yo!! remember OSAP!! aXiAn_KyOOtiE - aka Mel - Waz up Crazy Boarder Chick, we gota go riding on the "hillz' next season alright!. and i won't get lost this time Bad_Lil_Grl - aka TreE - Waz up girl!! BABY OIL RULEZ right ?! :) hey you don't have to hook me up with no more blondiez, i found the perfect one!! :) Brain - aka Brian - Yo Fatty, hope you ain't spending those $620/wk on food!! haha jokes !:) lucky bitch !!>:P Burnt-ice - aka Steve - GOT Your M1 yet ?! :) come on steve get with the prog. man ! hehe, and dont ya dare touch my wife! Chouda_boy - aka Gavin - Let's go Drinking bro... HAHAH.no worries, we'll train ya ! CuriousGQ - aka Jeff - NICE HAIR dude!!, we gota start busting those breaking skills again! Kurtz - aka Karel - AIRBORNE!, Should of pick that over a bitch !! HAHHA Lil_miss Luvable - aka Jen - Hey You!! awww we never hang out no more !! must be those UofT boyz eh ! :) Lil_Dragon19 - aka Anthony - Waz up Mack Daddy!, where's the Chick magnet GXXR coming !!ps BLONDE RULEZ!! Ludicrous D - aka Daniel - Hey, where's my autographed portrait of ME ! MadCanadian - aka Gord - Waz up my Big Brother, i'm dying to get out of Uni, and hit the work force with ya man, YAMIE RULEZ!! Money J - aka Judy - "OHH OHH OHH .. it's CHINA!", and Judy could ya tell me where Sai's Banister is ?! :) HAHAH :) Mr Sai - aka Sai - Yo.. sorry bout the blanket man, i'll let ya win the next GT2 race alright :) hehe Much - aka Peter - Waz up Smokey, so when we gonna go fire up that fatty!! TimmyBoi - aka Tim - Yo Yo, waz up Star, we still have to win "OUR" tag team Title back ! ViV[yUn] - aka Vivian - Hey my Sami formal date! waz up :) i was a shitty slow dancer eh ! hehee i'll stick to breakin WongSiFu - aka Andrew - Waz up my partner of the best ever was and the best ever will be LION Team, found the keyz for ya chains around ya ankle yet ?! WuShuChamp - aka LiMing - So when we gonna go chill down at Jokerz and pick up some blondiez ?! hurry up and get your fucking bike !!! haha The rest of my 12 Monkey Broz.- i'm a lost monkey, but summer time, we'll reqroup and rule Sauga again! haha! The Sunny Tang Family - I know thingz been fucked up lately, but the family's love wil carry on! The DEKNIGHTZ - So When's we going riding, WHEN WHEN WHEN!!! Other Not so important ppl !! hehe .. JUST TOYING with yaz,, with out yaz i'd be dead from boredom ! thanx guyz! Alex - One day my VT will be as good as you's HAHAHHA,right! Elliot - Yo waz up you KKK bastard, how's london yo,so when we gota go drink till we fucking die! Heidio - Howdy Cow boy!! how's the horsey doing ! :) and it's COLOUR!!! Lian_Jie - Yo waz up bro, so when ya getting the dough for the Bike man. look for a stolen one Mike - AIRBORNE, you fucking white trash!! haha. airborne 4 life bro! come down to TO with ya Zx7 one day Missy - I swear you really did sent me a pic, soo where's my invitation for ya big wedding!! If for some reason i missed ya. let me know alright! :)
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