Jonny's Page
This page is constantly being updated(not really).
New!  Added a Guestbook, please sign
- If you're really bored......... (updated 6-26-00).
Sir Smoke A Lot
- dedicated to Sir Smoke a Lot and weed.  Wavs of sir smoke a lot songs and sounds.  (updated 5-7-00)
Dope Rides
-nice cars i see around.  (updated 6-21-00)
Shitty Rides
-weak rice rockets anything else that deserves a laugh.  (updated 6-21-00)
My Car
-about my cars.  1991 corolla, modifications and pics.  i guess my car might fit in the above category.  check out my burnout pics!  (updated 1-25-03)
a little bit about my 94 mustang gt
Econo-Box Racing
- my new racing team!  Click here to find out more and how to join.  (updated 5-10-00)
Race Stories
- a few stories up.  they are all losing stories.  tell me about your victories!  (updated 9-1-00)
Car Stereo
-systems and shit.  so far only mine is up.  (updated 5-17-00)
Stupid Pics
- really stupid pictures  (updated 5-9-00)
Tight Links
Sport Truck lots of good pictures
Bryan's Riceboy Page some funny shit
Elite Car Audio and Performance
good message forum
Fast as fuck my crew
California Fords
message board for california fords
Email me at
Please send me your racing stories and pictures.