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Team 13² is at it again in the summer of '99. You all know and remember our winners of the past, our trophies began piling up in the summer of '95, with a Plymouth Salon that we dont like to talk about. In '96 we were on a roll, we only had winners: an '80 Buick LeSabre, a '78 Buick Century, and an '82 Chevy Caprice Wagon (the Taxi). The summer of '97 wasn't so good to us, we ran a '76 Pontiac Grand Prix, the Taxi, a '77 Ford LTD, and a '78 Pontiac Wagon, taking home a couple of prizes, but nothing that they bothered to give trophies for. The summer of '98 was only a wee bit better. We ran the two rusted out Centuries, a '74 and a '75. The '75 did bring us home one trophy for a Consolation round in Pope County, Minnesota. Now in the summer of '99 we are off and running with one demo already done. There are no pictures up yet, but we won our heat and took 4th in the feature, in a car that was supposed to be run by Chris's mom. That is a long story. Keep checking back as we will fill you in on the green and yellow number 51!

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The Internet Demolition Derby Association (IDDA) is a new group dedicated to providing information about demolition derby-ing. The group is for fans, drivers, crew members, promoters, etc. Chris (#1025) and Mark (#1026) are already members of this new group.
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