Last updated on  7/13/05

 Check out my brand new pics of my civic

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WELCOME to Pat's home page. I'm sorry that I haven't really updated my page in a while, it's because I haven't had the time to Because I've been busy doing other things. But I am trying to get some new stuff so stay tuned....enjoy!!!



The latest news  

Welcome to my home page.. I have recently have decided to redo my web site... I am going to make it a personal page about me with pics and info... I am also going to have Imports of Honda and Acura.. with pics and info on them too..

Pretty soon I will add more pics of my car and the information to go with the pics.

Here are the most recent pics of my car after all the new crap i have added

these are from april of 2002



as you can see it isn't as low as it use to be as in the pics below.. Thats because when i put the rims on they where rubbing wheel well. So I had to buy differnt springs. plus also in that pic of my new H&R Sport Springs instead of my Neuspeed race springs i have a camber kit i added...

these are from sometime in the end of 2001 and beggning of 2002


This was in the begging of 2002 maybe end of 2001 before the rims and before the spoiler

this is what my car use to look like about a year and a half ago...


Pics of me....



Ok I have once again decided to do something a little different with my home page.. Cause I am sure by now all of you have seen the old way it was and where pretty damn sick of seeing it that way.. well I am going to change it into a personal page about me and about what I like in life.. and that is Import cars... So now I am going to have pics and info about me, and pics and info about import cars... Like Honda and Acura...




Click on the vehicle of your choice. To go to that page. 



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And don't forget to hit reload ever time you visit because I am always updating this web site.

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BCD Computers

When I get done with this site it will be da

If you have any comments email me at this address

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