Welcome to Crafting the Craft


A new Pagan themes newsletter dedicated to bringing monthly issues brimming with crafts, crafty ideas, articles to enhance your spiritual life. This is designed to be a Craft magazine for the pagan community. It covers Crochet, Sewing, Nature Crafts, Recycling Crafts, Holiday/Seasonal Entertaining ideas, , Cooking, Gardening, Knitting, , Humor, Short Stories, Poetry. Think of it as the modern Pagan version of _Workbasket_. Please submit your writings, original patterns, and pictures of your projects. Issues are sent out monthly via email as a pdf file as well as a text file (for our webtv users) It is also available via egroups once you are a member.

This is a newsletter for ALL pagans, although folks of other faiths are welcome and encouraged to join.


Here is our Preview Issue Click on the cat to go there.


Come join us at egroups to make sure you get each and every issue of Crafting the Craft. Click here to join http://www.egroups.com/subscribe/craftingthecraft




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Page last updated 8-19-2000

© All rights reserved. Graphics by chilerose