My country: Guatemala

Anillo Chapin
Miembro del Anillo Chapin / Guatemala Ring
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Welcome to

Doing it by feel
Reaching out in the dark
Feeling in the dark
Letting the feelings run
Letting the feel (ings) take over
Doing it the way you feel it
Playing it by ear
Letting (the) emotions speak...

- - Axelle Red

Hello!!! Welcome to my homepage, this is the world of Edgar Enrique Espana, EEE, that's why you've just got into the E world.
If you like cars, music, and like to make friends, then you've just came to the right place!!! Here you'll find some things about my favorite car, the Toyota RAV4.

(Click here to see the full logo)

Would you like to see a REALLY COOL Toyota RAV4 image? Then CLICK HERE!

If you want to see a page with this and other RAVs,
along with links to RAV4 websites, go to Kelly's Rav4 -

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Prueba esto:
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This is how I look Look at my pictures in case you want to have laugh for a while...

Asi me veo yo! Mira mis fotos, en caso de que te quieras reir un rato...

Links to other sites on the Web

INFOVía My WorkPlace
HotBot The best search engine around, rated #1 by PC-Computing and me
HotBot Super Search A very advanced search engine, specially if you're looking for specific search.
MetaCrawler The other best search engine. Use it if dont want to waste your time with lots of search engines.
Carolina Echeverria's homepage (links to this page)
Cesar Perez's homepage (links to this page)
Quique's (me) Bookmarks
Adkar's (my colleague) Bookmarks


Look for amazing automotive masterpieces @ Toyota
The finest car's magazineMotor Trend
DuPont Registry A guide for Fine Automotives, Boats and Houses buyers


Real McCoy My favorite music band ever, their homepage
Eurodance Hits for people who like dance at it's best expression
The Official Site for the greatest italian singer ever: Laura Pausini
UBLVisit the Ultimate Band List

Amsterdam AJAX:

Official Netherlands' Ajax Website
world's greatest soccer club

Ajax USA a page in USA dedicated to this amazing and historical club

Amsterdam ArenA Our new ground 

Guatemala's Comunicaciones (Cremas):

1.- Listado de Correo "Puro Crema"
2.- Página No oficial
3.- Página Oficial de la Porra "Ultra Sur"
4.- Comunidad CyberCrema

Selección Nacional de Futbol de Guatemala:

1.- Página del Futbol de Guatemala    

2.- Listado de correo, Selección Nacional de Fútbol de Guatemala 

Thank you for visiting my page, I will add an spanish version someday; well, I've been saying this for more than a year, so I eventually make it!

You are my visitor number here, since June 1st. 1997

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