Model A Ford

Clipart & Historical data

This site will continue to be updated and we now have some Model A clip art available. Click below to view the selection and download it using FTP, or your favorite method.

Model A Ford Foundation, Inc (MAFFI) Model A Clip Art

coolnew.gif (6685 bytes)

The Paradise Valley Model A Club is very happy to announce the creation of a new page of era Ford production line photos! You will find them on our club web page at Paradise Valley Model A Club

You will want to check the our club's web page at Motorcity9135 for info on activities in the San Bernardino area!

Swap meet info:


Plan to come to our Swap Meet on Sunday September 26, 1999 at the Western Little League Headquarters in Devore which is near
San Bernardino, California.
The swap meet is for all makes of antique autos & parts.
Every year our club puts on the largest antique car swap meet in San Bernardino County. And since San Bernardino County is the largest county, not only in California but in the entire nation, it just stands to reason that it is a big swap meet!
And this year we will be bigger that ever!

Here is a map to the meet:


For a copy of the flyer, suitable for framing, (or just dragging along in the car when you drag the little woman out to our torturous event....) click on the flyer button.

the full image is 78k





Once again, don't hesitate to Isn't this a nifty gif?? (25129 bytes) us for any reason whatsoever! We'd love to hear from you!

This next reference is to a web page that is not yet established, but will be populated soon. Watch for the announcement.
Model A Clip Art from the collections of the Paradise Valley Model A Club

Links to other sites on the Web

Paradise Valley Model A Club
Model A Ford Club of America

This site is still under construction!

Check back soon, as I will be adding lots of clip art ready for download from the MAFFI clipart collection, and much, much more!

For more information contact

You are visitor number since I strated counting on February 13, 1997. Not many yet, I understand...but just you wait and see!

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