Riaan Nieuwoudt’s



My personnel details: I am a South African citizen and currently living in Sasolburg. I am employed by Schúmann Sasol , we are in the business of making wax products.


How my bike came into my life: I was always looking for a XR500RE but always thought it is to expensive untill one day one of my friends told me about the one at the bike shop in town. The very same day I was at the bike shop and in about an hours time the deal was made .


The reason for this page is: Everybody that sees this page and have a XR500 must please send me a picture of his bike and tell me your story how you found yours. I will then put it on my page and then this can be kind of a wall of fame.



Pictures of my bike:




More pictures of my bike


More XR pictures of XR fanatics

Riaan Bester  Stefan Janse van Rensburg   Bryan Sale   Brian Donaldson   Grègory Le Tirant   Big Ed   Esther   Justin's XR Dirt Bike Page

MikeN   Torsten   Koos Nieuwenhuize   Bert Pot




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My vacation in November 2000

Kawasaki KLR600

This page was design by R Nieuwoudt

Last update on 23 October 2003