Will's Tin Snail Site





Will Rolt

Last Updated:

1st Jan 2004

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Will's Tin Snail Site

**Information on unleaded fuel and stopping leaks...in the workshop.**

**Check out the buyer's guide. and the updated bookshop.**

This site is dedicated to the Citroen 2CV (although other models do get a mention) and was born in 1996, through my own interest in these vehicles. I maintain this site as a hobby, but like to include interesting or relevant information, so if you have any suggestions, questions or comments, please e mail me at willrolt@geocities.com or use my Contact Form to send a message.

Use the contents page below to find your way around this site.


 Follow these Links  around the site:

Visit the Workshop, for everything technical (Service schedules, unleaded fuel, bodywork etc.)

The history of the 2CV, from its first design to the present day.

2CV buyer's Guide, to help you choose and find the car you want.

The 2CV Bookstore. (2CV and related books, reviews, and the chance to buy some)

My 2CV picture gallery.

"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" (A local newspaper article about my car)

See how Raviv Rebuilt his 2CV, from old wreck to gleaming beauty!

10 Good Reasons to drive a 2CV

A page of 2CV and other Links.

Some UK Based 2CV Contacts (parts, service etc.)

Contact Me (I'd like to hear from you)

My Guest book... See it or Sign It.

I also have an archive of the first. second and third 50 guestbook entries.

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