My werewolf characters page
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Ok. Who is Bearbait? Good question. My name is Karen and I live in Florida. I got the nick of Bearbait from driveing back and forth from Illinios to Tennessee. I drive fast , and the truck drivers call people who drive fast 'Bearbait' because all of the police go after them.
  I was born in Chicago. Lived in Illinois untill I was 16. I then moved to Tennessee with my husband (yes , I got married at 16) . I also lived in San Diego. And back and forth from Illinois to Tennessee. Ending up here in Florida in June 2001.
  Right now I live with my boyfriend Jayson. We will have our 3 year anniversary in Aug. 2002.
Well , I will add more at a later date.....
A story about Duke's first change.  (Taken from in channel text).