The Jordan Grand Prix Information Site, a Fan's View
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The Jordan Grand Prix Information Site has been going now for over 4 years having first seen the light of day back in February 1998. Over the years it has changed in format and content and I hope it has been entertaining and valuable to those who have visited.
The site has been purely a hobby and as such it takes a lot of time to keep going. Regrettably I no longer have the time to keep it at the level of quality I would like and as a result I have decided to stop.
Many thanks to all the visitors to the site over the last few years, supporting Jordan has always been a bit of a roller coaster ride, and that certainly looks likely to continue.
Jordan have been my Formula One team since Phoenix in 1991 and they will continue to be so, although it is a struggle at times to be as excited about Jordan or F1 as I used to be.
I’m hoping and praying for a return to the days when they can again do themselves justice, and Brazil is a sure sign that they have the heart and guts to get back. A great result preceded by a lot of hard work.
Hopefully the days of the Jordan brand being associated with all types of unrelated products are gone and the focus is again 100% on F1 and racing.
Anyway, thanks for all the support and, as always, good luck to the team.
22nd April 2002.
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