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The Jensen FF Home Page

We would like to offer most sincerely our best wishes to our Queen, Queen Elizabeth II, on this, her Golden Jubilee Weekend.

"The Jensen FF: The Worlds First Production Car with All Wheel Drive, Anti-Lock Brakes, and Traction Control."

 Jensen FF's at Brooklands!

Past JOC international weekends.

Jensen FF

With a Formula 1 derived All wheel drive transmission, Italian Styled body, Hand built British chassis and coachwork, and a 325 BHP American V8 engine, the Jensen FF is no ordinary car.

30 years of use has proven the FF's Formula 1 derived 4x4 system to be reliable and effective. The Jensen FF was in production for 5 years. With millions of miles under their wheels, many of the 330 hand built cars survive to this day.

On the road, the Jensen FF proved the 4x4 concept with style, grace and power in the 1960's and 70s. On the Formula 1 circuit, the Ferguson P99 proved the Ferguson Formula 4x4 concept with an Oulton Park win. Ferguson's 1961 P99 was the First Formula 1 car with All Wheel drive and Anti-Lock brakes. Off road 4x4 fans waited until 1980 when the Audi Quattro did a sterling job winning many events on the Rally circuits.

In essence, Jensen Motors stood for Innovation and Quality. Because of this, and despite the small number of cars built, enthusiastic owners formed a World Wide Web Ring:

JIOC Badge, This club badge is built around an Interceptor Bonnet logo. The FF had the same shape logo, but in blue.Web ring logo uses the early Jensen Motors Badge, used by Jensen upto 1966Jensen Motors WebRing site is provided by the JIOC. Questions? Chuck Gerarden.

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FF's Cars currently For Sale

(Cars listed by chassis no. All adverts are free, details the responsibility of the advertiser.)

FF No. 6 is For Sale

FF No. 73 is now sold

FF No. 132 is now sold (no picture)

FF No. 151 is now sold (no picture)

ff183 thumbnailFF No. 183 is For Sale

FF No. 255 is SOLD

FF No. 264 is now sold.

FF No. 289 is For Sale