Welcome to my BMW enthusiast page, this page is designed to inform other BMW fanatics why the BMW is called "THE ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE". Many people think that BMW is just an ordinary car but did you ever know the History of how BMW came to be.

There are many types of BMW models out their. They range from the economical base 318 through the elegant sport sedan 750IL and the all time sporty favorite M3 and Z3 Roadster. In this page I will be explaining in detail all the different types of BMWs that can be found and their specifications. So if you're interested in purchasing one, you can always find a BMW that best suits your needs.

I am curently working on my own custom BMW. It was actually built first by my father and now past down to me were I will rebuilt it to my own specifications. I am always open to any ideas to what kind of performance parts I should use, so don't hesitate to E-mail.

Still Under Construction

BMW 3 Series BMW M3

BMW 5 Series BMW Z3

BMW 7 Series BMW 8 Series

Top Secret BMW

Their have been BMW enthusiasts on this site


Last updated on April 10, 1997