I am building a lotus seven look a like designed by myself:
- Independed rear suspension
- 2.0 DOHC Ford engine
- Ford Sierra differential, gearbox and modified drive-shafts
- Ford Sierra brakes
- Ford Sierra steering system
- rear/front separated adjustable master break cilinders
- aluminium glued sandwich box-chassis, base frame TIG welded
aluminium 20 mm square tubes, plated with 1 mm aluminium on both
sides enclosing 20 mm Klegecell-foam. Glued with araldit 2015.
- Body 6 mm sandwich Glass fibre with Klegecell-foam core.
- torsional chassis-stiffness: 9000 Nm/° (measured)
- weight 620 kg
- rear track 1650 mm
- front track 1550 mm
- wheel base 2500 mm
- front and rear suspension TIG welded double unequal length
wishbones with rose joints.
- front and rear hubs modified Ford Sierra
interesting pages:
The reason to start such a project
Autocad drawing
F.E.M. picture with three wheels fixed and 1000 N
applied on rear wheel
building of the chassis
making of the body
fitment of the engine and first test drive
before paintjob
after paintjob
trip to England
Total cost picture
to other lotus seven related sites on the Web
lotus seven club of great
Lotus Seven Society
Dutch Super Seven Club
Sevens mailing list
seven-ig germany
If you want to know more about me or my car, or have any suggestions or good links please contact me;
© 1999 e.c.a.dekkers@tue.nl
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