Hi -- My name is Preston Pratt and I am a Z car enthusiast who desires to share my Z passions and interests with others. Many automobile experts consider the 240Z to be one of the 10 most important cars in changing automobile history. For me it embodies the lines and appeal of a Ferrari, Jaguar, Corvette and Mustang. For the price, it has always been the best value of performance and handling. The Z Car platform has been used for replicas of Ferrari, Aston Martin, Cobra, GT40 and several other historic automobiles. It also makes a nice convertible. After building and owning various replicas, I always come back to owning an original 240Z, whose lines are timeless and worth admiring.
I live in Youngtown, Arizona just outside the Phoenix area. I am well known throughout Arizona for my involvement with Z cars and am presently an officer in the Arizona Z club.
Here are some of our noteworthy efforts:
Click the images below for a full view...
Front and side view of the Z-Beast
...and the business end of the ITS 240Z
This McBurnie 250 GTO Ferrari Z conversion was a dream to drive
This 1972 240Z is just, beautiful!
And this 1971 240Z is almost as beautiful!
Here is one of the convertible conversions resembling a Ferrari NART Spyder
What is a 240Z?, A Restoration Vendor, Original Z sells photos
John James famous "almost all inclusive" ZCar and Automotive page
Internet Z Club-How To's and Repair Guide
Z V8 kit Comparisons and Information
Bob Sharp Cars FOUND, Real Dream Garage
Ground Control Racing Suspensions
Macau 240Z, Early Nissan Competition Z, Mr. Pray, Where are You?
Internet Z Club Car Home Page
Jim Cook Racing Home Page
Z cars for sale, any one?
Guide to ZCar Reference Books
Nissan Home Page, click on Enhanced menu, then Vintage section for Z Car and other Datsuns
SCCA pages, racetracks, great links
Formula One Racing Page, formula one and other racing links
Extensive Racing Stuff, Yahoo links
Great information about Z Car heads
To V-8 or Not to V-8 that Z is the question, this link may be one answer.
Z Gear ratios-Transmission and Rearend Combinations
ZCAR aftermarket shopping source
My friend John Washington's beautiful Azure Z Car. (This one used to be Rosie's).
Stop that 240Z, Install 4 piston calipers from a Toyota 4X4?
Nissan dream garage
Arizona Z Car Club website
Thanks for checking us out! Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Updated: 01/07/2000
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Copyright ©1997 by Preston Pratt and Rosemarie Graca. Reproduction is strictly prohibited.