Hello and welcome to my homepage. My name is Greg and I'm a 27 year old Funeral Director living in the Texas Panhandle.Yep, that's me and my 94 Kawasaki ZX-9R up in the picture. I made this page because when I was looking around for my first streetbike 4 years ago I wanted to see lotts of pictures of different kinds of bikes and hear some real opinions about the bikes by thier owners. If your in my area and interested in finding some twisties, gimme a hollar and we'll go wear down the sides a bit.
UPDATE!! I Have Traded My 9 Off For A 97 Suzuki TL1000. I Still Love The ZX-9 So I Will Keep This Page Up. I have finally taken some pics of the TL which are just below. I'll get a picture page and my personal thoughts on the TL on a page soon.
Click Below For My Official WBS Motorcycle Chat Picture. If You See That Picture In The Chat Just Yell at me and I'll Wake Up. I Go By The Handle Zippie-9!! Stop in and Say Hey Sometime...