After reading this in the August scc newsletter, it seems that the webmaster is trying to blame someone else for his shortcomings. Here is what he has in the newsletter.


As 0f 7/26/01 the Sxxxx Cxxxx Cxxxxxxxx Web page ( is back online. After going through a paperwork nightmare we were finally able to take back the ownership of our own domain. Why you ask? This is a long story and to much for this space. I would like to thank Rxxxxx for his help in trying to communicate with a dis-gruntled ex-member.
Sorry for the inconvenience,

When the current webmaster took over this position he was given everything he needed to change the website over (password and user ID). No one had taken control or ownership of the scc website, the disgruntled ex-member he talks about has had nothing to do with the website since he relinquished control of it and gave the information to Axxxx last year. He (the current webmaster) kept trying to change the ownership of the domain using e-mail authentication. All he had to do was check the e-mail that was assigned to the domain by the ISP and accept the change. Had he been knowledgeable enough to do that the website would have never gone down. He knew what the e-mail address was, he saw it on the Network Solutions website (he had sent e-mail to it). He had the password. So you see nobody had control of the website except him! It was nobody's fault that it went down except his! So Axxxx, quit trying to blame others for your mistakes.

I guess you would have to expect that from someone that doesn't even know what "happy hour" is. It sure isn't dinner with the scc board.