Just for fun!

Welcome to my little piece of the web. I hope you enjoy what you find here. The purpose of this page is to introduce you to me, some of interests and hobbies.

My name is Kyle, I'll be you're tour guide through my page..

This Web page was started/created on Feb. 8th 1998. (in the evening/early morning)

What's new:

    As you can see, I've just started on the project of creating my new web page.  I got tired of the old one, and it's way out of date anyway.

    So, I searched around found a few back grounds I liked.. did some typing and .. va la..  here it is.

Now on to other things:

Personal stuff about me.

My Hobbies.

Other cool links, places on the web I frequent.. (or at least liked)

A proud member of
And the..

This SR20DE WebRing site is owned by
Kyle Davis.

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Direct comments, gripes, etc. to Dave Barker, the SR20DE WebRing ringmaster.

You are the number person to visit my web page since April 22, 1997.

Comments or suggestions? E-mail me, Kyle R. Davis