Welcome to my first stab at a home page. I'm heavily into classic Vauxhall cars and most of the stuff I'm putting up at the moment covers Vauxhall classic cars and hopefully will be of some interest/help to anybody out there with an interest in these lovely old British cars.
You can EMail me at princedarkness@geocities.com if you have any comments. This is my first 25 minutes of writing HTML ever, so bare with me. If you've never heard of Vauxhall before (not all export markets got these cars) and you're into classic cars I hope you find this of general interest. If there's nothing under the topic it isn't a link yet. Most topics are empty, but do call back, I'll get it all together soon!
(This page is nothing to do with Vauxhall Motors Ltd. I reserve the right for any information displayed here to be inaccurate, oudated or blatantly untrue!)
- PoD
See what Vauxhall are up to on the Web (downloadable Vauxhall screensavers)
My Classic Vauxhall pages - UNDER CONSTRUCTION
More about me and, naturally, what I drive.