My Kawasaki ZZR 600 Homepage

Welcome to the unofficial ZZR 600 (European) Site !

Hello!  My name is Piero Ligorio and I live near Milan (ITALY).
After searching the web for days trying to find info about my new Kawasaki ZZR 600 ('97 model), I decided to put some info up myself.
This site will hopefully provide you with as much and maybe more info
than you need about this bike. 

I intend to put as much info as I can get away with about the ZZR on this site so no one else will waste his time (like I did) to find owners workshop manuals for this bike. 

Stay tuned and  !!

English version   

Italian version

Links to Kawasaki sites 

ZZR 600 photo gallery

My ZZR 600 '97 photo gallery

Please email me if you have any ideas, requests or suggestions for this site: you are welcome!

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