I built this site because I thought Eichler fans could use more information about Eichler Homes in the Bay Area.
There are quite a few good sites with information about Eichler Homes including:
Eichler Network
Eichler Homes Realty
Loni Nagwani
Eichler City
My focus is on providing maps to show where you can find these homes, see what they look like in a satellite photo and to give a fairly accurate count of how many are in each tract.  I wanted to build a site to help the do-it-yourselfer like me drive to Eichler neighborhoods and see for himself or herself where they are and what they look like.  I think these houses are unique and beautiful.
Site updated 9/14/06.  Mountain View, Sunnyvale,  San Jose and Cupertino are done.  Click the cities on the left to go to the maps of those cities.  There are 6 pages for Sunnyvale, 5 for Palo Alto, 3 for San Jose, and 1 each for Cupertino and Mountain View.  Thanks to Google for the maps, thanks to my wife, Tanya, for the graphics.  We recently purchased a house on one of these pages, look through them to find out which one.   Our house has an atrium and was built in 1963.  Now that I live in an Eichler, I find my excitement for them has only gone up.

The Palo Alto group of pages is almost done.  It has been challenging.   I don't know when I am going to get to mapping out the east bay.  There are 2 small nice groups in Los Altos, and one small group of big houses in Saratoga.  Marin County probably has the next groups to map, but I really like to see them first hand before I make a page for them.  This site has maps of most of the Eichlers in the South Bay area.
visitor #
While the opinions expressed in these pages are mine alone, the factual information compiled here comes from a few places:  2 books "Eichler-Modernism rebuilds the American Dream" written by Paul Adamson and compiled by Marty Arbunich, and "Eicher Homes - Design for Living" by Jerry Ditto and also by perusing the internet or visiting these neighborhoods in car, on bike or on foot.  There are almost certainly some factual errors somewhere within my pages.  Please send me an email telling me where my mistakes are,  I'd like to get it right.


Mike Ahern
Nil Erdal's Eichler Page
Eichler SoCal Page
Lotta Living Eichler Page
Marin Modern