Mark's Ultimate Grand Prix 2 Championships

Mark's Ultimate Grand Prix 2 Championships

Mark's Ultimate GP2 Championship is a championship fantasy racing league which will use the fabulous Grand Prix 2 from Microprose. We have completed a four race preliminary season, and are underway in our new 16-race season! We have got two divisions for the full season, F1 and F3, and yes, registrations are still open!

Registration is still open! So register now to join in the assault on the full season! I want to join the championship now!

To join my racing league:

What's New

29th August F3 Race results for Japan have been posted! I'll explain the troubles and delays bvriefly: I lost all times sent for the Aida Qualifying, so if you sentr them before the original date, please re-send them! I will contact those who I have not received the results from again after a few the meantime, the dates have been put back a bit. The F3 points will be updated soon....



15th June, 1997

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Mail me about anything to do with this page...suggestions, compliments and criticisms welcome.

Since the 13th of January, laps have been run.

Updated 29th August 1997

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F1 Schedule/Results F1 Driver/Team List F1 Drivers Championship table F1Constructors Championship table F1 Nation's cup Championship F1 Manufacturers Championship  F1 Race News F3 Schedule/Results F3 Driver/Team List F3 Drivers Championship table F3 Driver /Team List F3 Constructors Championship table F3 Nation's Cup Championship F3 Manufacturer's Championship F3 Race News F3 Driver/Team List Rules and Registration About the League Sending in results Ultimate GP2C News News about the Drivers and Teams competing in the UGP2C UGP2C Track Records Links to other sites Classifieds/Wanted Page Preliminary UGP2C Results and Standings The SuperGrid and SuperRace tables for both the F1 and F3 divisions.