The Trusty Musty Page!!!
"Everything you want on the web about the best and fastest car in the universe." This page has pictures, links, a survey, and the story of my happy little car, Trusty (hence the name of the page)!
Thanks for stopping by!!! This page was recently created, so check back a lot. I LOVE Ford Mustangs. I am 17 years old and I have an '87 Mustang convertible. It is white with a white top. It's name is Trusty Musty. This page is going to be a Mustang homepage. I will have a photo gallery and links to LOTS of cool Mustang things. However, this may take some time. I hope everyone will be patient, because this page is going to ROCK when it is finished. Thanks!!!

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Trusty's Story
Millions of Mustang Links
Mustang Picture Gallery
Fill out my survey!
My Personal Homepage
Please mail me with any comments or questions. If you have a Mustang related page, let me know and I will be glad to put a link to it here.
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Trusty Musty.
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