98' Harley Davidson Electra Glide-Standard

You have entered GUNDOCTOR'S home

Thank's for stopping by, hope you like my

Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I
have made any changes or additions. Life has a way of changing your priorities.
I no longer ride with the Glendale Chapter of HOG, in fact I don't belong to
HOG. I do ride however, can't give that up. Many life changes have gone on and
I am not there yet(not sure where there is).
I am planning on
selling the Electra Glide soon and down sizing to a Fat Boy, but I need to deal
with a few more things. Well, that's going to be it for now, just wanted to
make some minor changes here, but I will return soon and bring you up to date.
Ride safe!
Links to other sites on
the Web
Hot Stuff
Harley Owners Group
Harley Davidson's Site
Glendale Harley
Golden State HOG

GunDoctor can be found on any back road
riding his Harley in California!
This site is owned and maintained by Mark A. Puglisi, last updated
To contact the GunDoctor...

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