Welcome to the Venturi Competition web site. Venturi is a small French sports car manufacturer, based in Nantes in France. This page contains past and current race results, reports and news on all aspects of these cars racing history, as well as current championship events.
    The Venturi marquee first entered motor racing in 1991, competing in the Trophee Andros ice racing series. This interest in competitive racing lead Venturi to venture in to formula one and ultimately GT racing.
    The various aspects of these races can be seen by reading the relevant pages icons.
This page is regularly updated with the latest results, including  pictures and  race results. These are mainly in the British GT series this year, as the cars age has left them uncompetitive else where, but any other championship results will be included.

Last Updated 27/5/99

Although I visit as many races as possible during the season, being a student means that finance is somewhat lacking. Therefore any information/comment/suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Email: Bigdove@yahoo.com or click below

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    Thanks to Geocities for providing this site and to the sponsors for financing it.