Denny Johansson´s HomePage contains a lot of fun about Mercury-49´s WELCOME TO VISIT Denny Johansson´s HomePage

Denny Johansson´s HomePage

H i there and welcome to my "not so well made humble homepage".
My name is Denny Johansson and I am a prowd member
of the nice generation that was born during the year of -73.
I was born in a small town called Skellefteċ that is located in the northern part of Sweden

BLAH BLAH BLAH and so on.You get the point.

I had a rather dull childhood so it is nothing to talk about.
It´s a lot more fun to talk about the present time.

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Just like everyone else, I do have interrests but this page isn´t big enough
to let me reveal them all.

I spend a lot of time in front of both the TV/video-set and the stereo,
but most of my time, (since I am unemployed), I spend training at a shooting range not so far
from our house.I have been shooting for nearly 10 years with various ups and downs
(won some competitions when I was younger but that was many years ago).

Cars and carshows is another of my hobbies.I own a Volvo 244 -77, but i have a dreamcar that i one day hope to own
but untill then i would just like to dedicate a page to it.


I have a small gallery of plastic cars.

When it comes to music I just would like to present my self as a TECHNOFREAK.
The word explains it all.


Guestbookby Lpage

e-m@il me: I can be reached at this location until 27th June-97
   After that date I can be found at this address

Some of the gif´s & decorations i used on my pages are borrowed from
this page:  animations
and this page: animations
I downloaded some of the icons from:

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