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The SVO Mustangs Page is not endorsed, or supported by the Ford Motor Company or the Special Vehicles Team or any other part of the Ford Motor Company.

The pictures and information available here are provided from standard references and can be considered general knowledge in most cases. The information from this page may be freely distributed for personal use but I or any other person or entity contributing to the page are responsible for any actions you take personally that may damage your vehicle or yourself. Use of any advice or information found here at your own risk. In addition if you've read this far the SVO Mustang in my opinion is the best most impressive vehicle ever produced by Ford Motor Company considering its balance, power and compfort level. Basically it kicks ass! .....and buckle up.....SEATBELTS SAVE LIVES!

The SVO StoryParts Unique to the SVOThe 84 SVO Marketing ManualSee My '84 SVO Mustang: TurbinatorSuggested UpgradesTurbocharger BasicsAdd Yourself to the Growing Owners ListPerformance UpgradesTurbo and Mustang Links