Alan's Auto Homepage

Well, I have finally updated that page. This page will show all the pictures of my trips and my the Vehicles i have driven over the past few years. They will include nice, scenic pics, straight on views of the vehicles and pics of my friends from the Jeep-l. So Ill be busy working on the page and hopefully have more new picturs to come, stay tuned up!
The Luta Joe Page!
These are three picture of my XJ before the 2 inch lift
Stock height XJ 1
Stock height XJ side view
Stock height XJ rear view
These are the pictures of my XJ after the 2 inch Tomken-Econo Lift 2 inch lift XJ 1
2 inch lift XJ side view
2 inch lift XJ rear view
And here's some misc. pics of my 90 XJ and more
Pic of Diamond Head, Waikiki, and my XJ from Tantalus Heights drive
XJ at Alan Davis near Sandy Beach on the East end of Oahu
Gary Hollenbeck's 1978 CJ-7, also at Alan Davis
XJ instrument cluster

Where I work...
The BMW of Honolulu Shuttle and I at BMW of Honolulu, where I work during the summers(old 93 picture)
Borla SS header with 2 1/4 SS downpipe and PFP hi-flo cat Borla Exhaust picture 1
The Borla Header installed on a 4.0L 242 Jeep engine Borla Exhaust picture 2

And finally here are some pictures from my off-roading trips up in Washington State More will follow soon!
95 XJ Sport at Naches Trail, WA, Summer 95
95 XJ Sport at Naches Trail, this is a great postcard pic
Check the angle out on this one!
Tim Taylor and I at Reider Pit, WA May 96; That's his '77 CJ-5 and my rental, a '95 Mitsubishi Montero LS
96 Ford Explorer XLT at Mount Olympic National Park, WA May 96
Here's me and a 97 GMC Jimmy SLE at Evans Creek ORV, stuck, though not cold even though in shorts!

Here are some of the vehicles I have driven while on trips. 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo
New 97 GMC Jimmy
97 GMC Jimmy instrument panel, *note mileage*
95 Mitsubishi Montero LS at Evans Creek ORV
97 Pontiac Grand Prix SE

And here are some pics from my Vancouver BC trip in May '97 Larry Soo and his YJ Wrangler with SO lift coming down a water fall at Blue Mtn.
Rob Bryce's Commanche up at Blue Mtn.
Rob lifting Jonathan Yim's TJ Wrangler...?
Jonathan Yim's TJ Wrangler coming up a water fall

Links to other sites on the Web

The Luta Joe Page
Cherokee America
Pacific North West 4WD Association
The Jeep List Website
BMW of North America
Korman Autoworks, Inc.

© 1997

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