Roadkill88 Racing is growing with sim racing and has devloped a Nascar3 sim racing team. If you are interested in joining a racing team or a racing league click the link above.

Welcome to Roadkill88 Racing this sight will be devoted to Nascar2,Nacar99 and Nascar3 racing.
We will consist of setups a modem to modem racing directory and modem to modem help.
Submit a setup of your own it will be posted and you will receive the credit .

57 area codes and 93 different drivers have submited. Start or join a league.

Submit a setup of your own it will be posted and you will get the glory.
If the setups I have don't seem to work for you
request one , I currently have a collection of over 500 SETUPS
from some of the top N2 and NR99 sights in the racing world.

Help for the headaches of modem to modem racing.

Give this one a chance , Please.
It's a way to answer all the questions you have about life.

The greatest Nascar driver ever: Dale Jarrett

Placed here at wife's request.
Girls like Nascar too!

Email Me!

This is for all of you who said that I could not do this ( you know who you are).

You are the driver to qualfiy since 12-01-98

This NASCAR Racing 2 and NASCAR 1999 Web Ring site owned by Roadkill88.
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