About Myself My Resume My Projects My Interests My Contact |
Welcome to Brian's Homepage! About Myself Me, Myself and I... My name is Brian Woo. Originally, I am from a very crowded city called Hong Kong. But now I am spending my days in Calgary, Alberta, which lies in Canada's Prairie region. I have one sister, Queenie, who is working in Hong Kong at this moment. I'm currently working full time at one of the Canadian's largest cable provider called Shaw Cablesystems. I work in the Engineering department as a Enterprise Java developer. I graduated from University of Alberta specialized in Computer Science (CS). U of A is located in Edmonton, which is 2.5 hours driving distance from Calgary. I've lived in Edmonton for 10 years. I am currently studying in Athabasca University as a part time Master's student in Computing and Information Science (CIS). My research project is supervised by Dr. Oscar Lin. My Resume My Projects These are the projects I am currently working on:
My Interests Coming Soon. My Contact Mailing Address: #1503, 5300 Rundlehorn Dr., N.E. Calgary AB T1Y 3V5 Email:
brianwoo_at_yahoo_dot_com (avoid spam) |