To become a Street Sweeper member, you must attend four consecutive meetings, have a sense of pride towards your vehicle, and want to have a positive input with the club.We do such things as helping out other club. members fix up their rides and participating in club fundraising events. On the fourth meeting, you are voted on by the other club members. This club is different from some other clubs due to the fact that you don't have to have a totally radical custom street machine because we look at the person more than we do the vehicle. There is no better feeling for our club members than to have a pretty normal looking car join the club and after about 6 months or so it looks totally awesome.
Club dues are ten dollars a month and that entitles you to free registration to the shows, some money for gas, and, if it is a two day show, your hotel bill. The shows that our club mostly hits and supports 100% are the CRUIZIN CUSTOMS shows run by Bill Cox. Some of our club members also have some awesome stereos so STREET SWEEPERS also go to some of the WHITLEE stereo shows. When the season is slow the STREET SWEEPERS do things like going camping,bowling or something as simple as the movies. We might just have a cookout at one of the members house, but one thing is for sure, we just don't sit around and do nothing.
STREET SWEEPER members consist of an age group of 16 to 37. They are in high school, the military, college, technical school or just plain hard working folks. Because of this fact, I believe this is what makes us so diverse and always coming up with new ideas and not getting stuck in the same old rut. If this sounds appealing to you, do not hesitate to E-mail me or if you see a vehicle with a STREET SWEEPER sticker on it, just stop them and talk to them. Tell them you saw it here, thanks to GEOCITIES!! More on STREET SWEEPERS will be coming later including pictures of us and our rides so just keep checking back!!
Here are some pictures of our presidents 1993 Dodge Intrepid.
Here is a picture of how Chris the, "web admin" wants his 1982 Volvo 240 DL to turn out.
Here is a picture of Dustin "D-Man" Riley's Ford Escort Pony right before he sold it
© 1996 Club President
© 1998 Website Administrator