Eric Mann's Home Page

Last updated 02/13/00.

This site is owned by Eric Mann
The Camaro Axis Webring Homepage
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Ringmaster:Jason Debler

Welcome to my homepage. It has been quite a while since I have done any updates and I am trying to get caught up. Here is the current news: I have gotten rid of the '81 Camaro Z28 and '67 Impala. I am currently driving a 1979 Chevy Suburban with a Big Block 454 as my daily driver. And being that I am the president of the Mid-Iowa Camaro Club this year, I have another project Camaro. It is a 1991 Z28.

So check back as I get more updates done.

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My name is Eric Mann. In here, you will find out information about me and the vehicles I like. The info about me is just a brief background on me and has a couple links to my interests, including Cigars, TV/movies, and music I like. The vehicles section has information about the F-Bodies I have owned, my '91 Camaro Z28 and '79 Suburban pages, other cars I like, my motorcycle page, all 4 generations of F-Bodies, Corvette page and links to various F-Body and Y-Body parts suppliers.

Proud member of the F-Body Organization since 9/1/95.

Links to other sites on the Web

Y-Body Home Page - Corvette Home Page (coming soon)
Camaro Untold Secrets -Great backgroud info on the Camaro in general and specialty Camaros
The Camaro Page -Info on all 4 generations.
Furr Enterprises Home Page - Including the Cool Camaro Selections
Auto On Ramp -Lots of good automotive info.
Yahoo Search Engine
Starting Point Web Surf Utility

This All Chevy Webring site is owned by
Eric Mann.

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Please email me with any comments or suggestions: esmann@QuixNet.Net

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