Well, I guess this site needs little explanation,....It is my ever growing picture collection created for Glenshadows Tavern, all within K limits and size limits,....They are divided into four categories as shown below,... I would appreciate any and all links to pic sites on the net which have a lot of pics not in use or that I do not already have,.. This archive can only grow with cooperation from the patrons, I created this site because ever since the cobra went down patrons have had to scrounge around for pics on their own, or ask others for them. This site gives new patrons easy access to quality images...Thank you for coming,..
Directions for those unitiated with using pics,...Find the pic you would like, Click your right mouse button over it, Drag down to copy image location,...Go back or to the chat room, and press Ctrl+v(at the same time) into the Picture URL: box, It should show up on the second post you make afterwards,...Enjoy!,..
The Elves | Men | Women | Monsters & the Undead |