
Lights for the Coupe B3

audi__lights is dedicated to Tom - there are now only occasional changes and additions.
This was originally a collaborative site for pictures, PN's, and other info for improving
your lighting, as well as general Audi info.

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Other info:
9007 bulb conversions for your US 5000 models
The 5000 in the US, which
would be the C3 model Audi 100 in Europe, (10-82 to 11/90)
uses Hella p/n's
1AH 004 089-071 for the right hand side ) and
1AH 004 089-081 for the left hand side )
these are the big trapezoid lights with separate orange turn signals
Hella lights for other models:
**A6 (C4) 06/94->

1AL 007 270-171 DE H1 headlight, lefthd,w/out DE H3 foglight, with
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs
1AL 007 270-181 DE H1 headlight, righthd,w/out DE H3 foglight, with
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs
1EL 007 270-151 DE H1 headlight, lefthd,with DE H3 foglight, with
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs
1EL 007 270-161 DE H1 headlight, righthd,with DE H3 foglight, with
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs

spare parts
9ES 145 599-001 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 145 600-001 Headlight glass, righthd
6NM 007 282-211 Electric remote aiming motor

2x 12V55W (H1) 8GH 002 089-231
1x 12V55W (H3) 8GH 002 090-131
1X 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121

Turn signals
9EL 145 833-021 Turn signal unit, lefthd
9EL 145 834-021 Turn signal unit, righthd

1x 12V21W (PY21W) 8GA 006 841-121

Turn signal repeaters
2BM 003 647-021 Turn signal repeater

1x 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121

9EL 138 567-061 Taillight unit, lefthd
9EL 138 568-061 Taillight unit, righthd

9FT 131 665-011 Bulb holder, lefthd
9FT 131 666-011 Bulb holder, righthd

1x 12V21/5W (P21/5W) 8GD 002 078-121
1x 12V21W (P21W) 8GA 002 073-121

Rear foglights
9EL 145 997-021 Unit for rear fog light/reversing light, lefthd
9EL 145 998-021 Unit for rear fog light/reversing light, righthd
!! these units are not suitable for the S6

2x 12V21W (P21W) 8GA 002 073-121

Rear foglights
9EL 145 909-041 lamp housing with decorative function, with reversing light
s lefthd and righthd, and rear fog light, lefthd
also fits S6
->cutout for oblong European type license plate

3x 12V21W (P21W) 8GA 002 073-121

**Cabriolet 07/91->

1DJ 006 442-211 H4/H1 headlight unit, lefthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming
1DJ 006 442-221 H4/H1 headlight unit, righthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming

spare parts
9ES 138 835-001 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 138 836-001 Headlight glass, righthd

1x 12V60/55W (H4) 8GJ 002 525-131
1x 12V55W (H3) 8GH 002 090-131
1X 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121

1DJ 007 140-071 DE-H1 headlight unit, lefthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs
1DJ 007 140-081 H4/H1 headlight unit, righthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs

spare parts
9ES 138 835-031 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 138 836-031 Headlight glass, righthd

2x 12V55W (H1) 8GH 002 089-231
1X 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121

=46ront foglights
1NL 005 150-111 DE-H3 foglight, righthd
1NL 005 150-121 DE-H3 foglight, righthd

1x 12V55W (H3) 8GH 002 090-131

Turn signal repeaters
2BM 003 647-021 Turn signal repeater

1x 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121

9EL 142 309-011 Taillight unit, lefthd
9EL 142 310-011 Taillight unit, righthd

1x 12V21/5W (P21/5W) 8GD 002 078-121
1x 12V21W (P21W) 8GA 002 073-121

Rear foglights
9EL 138 199-021 lamp housing with decorative function, with reversing light
s lefthd and righthd, and rear fog light, lefthd
->cutout for oblong European type license plate

3x 12V21W (P21W) 8GA 002 073-121

**Coup=E9 (B2) 8/84-11/88

1DJ 004 880-031 H4/H1-headlight unit, lefthd
1DJ 004 880-041 H4/H1-headlight unit, righthd

spare parts
9ES 131 221-005 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 131 222-005 Headlight glass, righthd

1x 12V60/55W (H4) 8GJ 002 525-131
1x 12V55W (H1) 8GH 002 089-131
1X 12V4W (T4W) 8GP 002 067-121

**Coup=E9 (B3) 12/88-8/91


1DJ 005 995-071 H4/H1-headlight unit, lefthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming
1DJ 005 995-081 H4/H1-headlight unit, righthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming

spare parts
9ES 136 143-001 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 136 144-005 Headlight glass, righthd

1x 12V60/55W (H4) 8GJ 002 525-131
1x 12V55W (H1) 8GH 002 089-131
1X 12V4W (T4W) 8GP 002 067-121

=46ront foglights
1NL 005 150-051 DE-H3 foglight, lefthd
1NL 005 150-061 DE-H3 foglight, righthd

**Coup=E9 9/91-> / Coup=E9 S2 12/88->

1DJ 006 442-211 H4/H1-headlight, lefthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming
1DJ 006 442-221 H4/H1-headlight, righthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming

spare parts
9ES 138 835-001 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 138 836-001 Headlight glass, righthd

1x 12V60/55W (H4) 8GJ 002 525-131
1x 12V55W (H1) 8GH 002 089-131
1X 12V4W (T4W) 8GP 002 067-121

1AL 007 140-071 DE H1-headlight, lefthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs
1AL 007 140-081 DE H1-headlight, righthd, for cars with and w/out
electric remote aiming and complete with 12v bulbs

spare parts
9ES 138 835-031 Headlight glass, lefthd
9ES 138 836-031 Headlight glass, righthd

2x 12V55W (H1) 8GH 002 089-131
1x 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121
front foglights
1NL 005 150-111 DE-H3 foglight, righthd
1NL 005 150-121 DE-H3 foglight, righthd

1x 12V55W (H3) 8GH 002 090-131

**V8 11/88-4/94

Turn signal repeaters
2BM 003 647-021 Turn signal repeater

1x 12V5W (W5W) 8GP 003 594-121

9EL 126 339-061 Taillight unit, lefthd
9EL 126 340-061 Taillight unit, righthd

1x 12V10W (R10W) 8GA 002 071-131
1x 12V21/5W (P21/5W) 8GD 002 078-121
1x 12V21W (P21W) 8GA 002 073-121


This is a Java applet which calculates the dimensions and spacings of the elements needed to build a log periodic antenna, given tao, sigma and the lower and upper cutoff frequencies.

All lengths and distances are given in meters. Look below for a diagram and a brief explanation describing what are all these numbers and parameters...
In a nutshell, The log periodic directed array is a broadband antenna whose caracteristics vary as a periodic function of the logarithm of the frequency (with period Log(Tao)). As Tao approaches unity, we can neglect these response variations and regard the antenna as "frequency independant". Sigma is a spacing factor, and together with Tao, determine the directivity of the antenna.

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