By Bill Janitor |
This page is dedicated to sharing information about Copar Panzer, Panzer, Pennsylvania Panzer, Pennsylvania Meteor, Penn88 and Pennsylvania garden tractors and equipment.
This page is associated with the Panzer Tractor Owner's Club page, which I also publish. I'll keep information on both sites, so please check out and bookmark both. The club is at I encourage you to join, but please at least sign the guest book. Sharing information about these tractors has really produced some stunning results in just the past few years. I'm proud at how well we've all pulled together, and stunned at how many great people Panzers attract. We will continue to grow with your help and enthusiasm. Click Here to go to the web site at Copar, Inc., Panzer Products, Inc. and Pennsylvania Lawn Products, Inc. have been producing lawn equipment in Laurel, Maryland, Waynesboro, Virginia and Martinsburg, West Virginia since 1954. They ceased production in approximately 1972, but many tractors are still around working, pulling, showing or sitting in the back yard waiting to be "discovered". Through the input of readers like you, I hope to compile the history of Panzer tractors to share with everyone. Please email me with anything you wish to share or if you have something for sale. Enjoy the information I've posted here. It's FREE! I do ask, however, that you freely share any info you find here. Thanks!
Visitors since December 9, 2000 This page was last updated on 01/28/01.
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