Welcome to Faruk's HomePage

The contents of my HomePage

| Faruk |
Here you can find information about me, where I hang out usually, Some private stuff, My best friends (It could be you !) and the things I have designed.
| Cars |
All information you need about Peugeot 205 1.9GTI, Citroën Saxo VTS, Ford Mustang and images from Auto Show 1997-1998, And only on my page SHELL HELIX CUP.
| Cool |
The coolest of my page includes OffShore PowerBoat Race, The news from the streets stories about illegal races, you can see me online with my QuickCam or find out the secrets of UnderWater
| Girls |
They rule the world... Yes they do... Find out the most beautiful turkish girl then take a trip with Faruk's BikiniGirls then get ready for Faruk's Celebrities
| Contact |
You can always e-mail me and get news from my site or simply sign the guestbook. Contact with ICQ or PowWow.

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© 1996-1999 A.Faruk KORKMAZ